Back from Snow Land ala Ladakh

and I’m back, back to modern civilization.
The above picture is one that was clicked during the trip, as we climbed up Chang La after it was happily snowed for more than 30minutes. During this trip, I got to experience more than what I was looking for.

I’ll try to pen down the wonderful experience I had during this trip as soon as possible and share them with your all soon, very soon. 🙂

Out of reach

Pangong Tso

It is not that I was very actively updating my blog here, that anyone will notice that I’m away from Internet for sometime.

Still, for those who stay in touch with me via e-mail, IM’s and other mode of communication, please note that I’ll be out of reach for next two weeks. The picture above should give you an indication as to where I can be found, if at all. 🙂

Panning & Moon’o’graphy – 2

Today I was out again in night sharpening my panning shots. Lday luck was with me and the very first shot came out almost perfect (to my liking). As I was hand holding the camera, I started with ISO1600 and hence some grain can be seen in the image.

Clicked using Canon 70-200 f/4 L lense on 400D, shot @ ISO 1600, 188mm, f/4 and 1/10sec shutter speed.

Motivated by my effort, I got the tripod out and started to practise on the moving objets. Now, I was able to bring the ISO down to 400 without too much blurr as I was no more hand holding the camera. Following is one of the many clics.

Clicked using Canon 70-200 f/4 L lense on 400D, shot @ ISO400, 145mm f/4 and 1/5sec shutter speed.

While I was out, I also decided to capture the white moon, almost in its full shape.

Clicked using Canon 70-200 f/4 L lense on 400D, shot @ ISO100, 200mm f/8 and 1/125sec shutter speed.

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Panning – My Debut shots

Panning – My Debut shots

My Pan Shots

Last night as I was done shooting moon from my house balcony, I looked at the well illuminated empty road, some 100m away from me. Tried to click some shots but due to not using a tripod most of them didn’t came well. In between I clicked a zooming car and thats when I decided to try my hand at Panning. Due to low light condition, I had to use higher ISO and really slow shutter speed and hence shots were having too much noise/not sharp enough.

So today morning I decided to venture out once again and here are some of the shots I managed.

My Pan ShotsMy Pan Shots

My Pan ShotsMy Pan Shots

Click on image to view in bigger size.

So how did I clicked them?
I used a slow shutter speed (resulting in larger f-stop/small aperture) and switched between “One Shot” & “AI Servo” (or something like that). Moved the camera along with the moving car/bike. Click and kept moving, when I didn’t moved the camera as I clicked, the object came blurred.

What is Panning?
In simple terms, its about clicking a picture by keeping the moving object in the frame by moving the camera along the object and clicking it at the same time. This will blurr out the background, giving a sense of motion in the image.

For these shots I used my Canon 400D with 70-200 f/4 L lense.

Welcome to 2009

A belated New Year wishes to everyone. Well, I got my New Year gift a bit early. Following is the picture of the gift, my son, born on 21-Dec-08.

My Son

Click on image to view in bigger size.

Just the way everyone make new year resolutions, I have made myself a few and you can see some of them right here in next few days.


In Nov’08 when I had Canon EFS 55-250 f/4-5.6 IS Lense of my friend lying around I saw this bright object wandering in dark sky filled with stars. I realised I haven’t captured this bright object in my camera ever, not becuase I never thought about it but it was due to lack of enough zoom at my disposal.

The bright object ala Moon as captured on 11-Nov-08.

Full Moon

Moon as captured on 20-Nov-08.


Click on images to view in bigger size.

Slow Sync …

Pug-OT, a yahoo group I’m a member of have started a very useful thread TOTW (Technique Of The Week). As you could have guessed now, Slow Sync was the first topic of TOTW. As a beginner with photography, it was a nice learning experience for me.

Slow Sync – A technique in which we fire the flash along with slow shutter speed. One use of it, as shown in the above image, is to increase the illumination of background.

Following are some of the links I read to learn about this technique
Flash Photography Made Simple

Slow Sync Flash

In the above image, the top picture is clicked in Full Auto Mode and the bottom picture is clicked in Manual mode. Following are the details.
Top Pic: Auto(1/60sec, f/3.5, 18mm, ISO400, Pattern Metering).
Bottom Pic: M(6sec, f/3.5, 18mm, ISO400, Partial Metering).

Camera: Canon 400D
Lens: 18-55